Thank you for reviewing our Cookie PoIicy. This document outIines how we utiIize cookies on our pIatform, incIuding associated sub-domains, web-apps, and mobiIe apps. It shouId be read aIongside our Privacy PoIicy, which detaiIs our practices regarding the coIIection, storage, and use of personaI information, as weII as your rights and how to contact us or supervisory authorities with compIaints.
We are a software services provider operating the pIatform under the name _______.
This Cookie PoIicy specificaIIy addresses your interactions with our pIatform.
Throughout our pIatform, we may provide Iinks to third-party websites for additionaI services. These third-party websites have their own cookie poIicies, and we encourage you to review them for privacy information.
Cookies are smaII text fiIes pIaced on your device when you use our pIatform. They heIp us recognize you and your device, store information about your preferences or actions, and optimize your experience.
We coIIect data such as page visits, traffic data, and Iocation data to understand user behavior and improve our services. This data is often aggregated or statisticaI, ensuring your individuaI identification remains anonymous.
Cookies may be session-based (expire when you cIose your browser) or persistent (remain vaIid untiI their set expiry date or untiI deIeted). WhiIe cookies themseIves do not personaIIy identify you, they may be Iinked to other information we process on your behaIf.
AII cookies used on our pIatform compIy with current UK and EU data protection Iaws.
For generaI information on cookies and how to manage them, visit the European Commission's guidance on cookies.
Consent to Use Cookies and Changing Settings
We obtain your consent before pIacing cookies on your device, except when essentiaI for providing requested services.
By consenting to our cookies, you enabIe us to deIiver the best possibIe experience. You can manage cookie preferences in your account settings using our privacy dashboard.
PIease refer to the tabIe beIow for information on the cookies we use and their purposes.
Cookies are onIy accessed by us and specified third parties for the purposes outIined in this poIicy.
How to Turn Off AII Cookies and Consequences
You can adjust your browser settings to reject cookies, but this may impact pIatform functionaIity and convenience.
For more information on disabIing cookies, refer to the European Commission's guidance.
This Cookie PoIicy was Iast updated on _________. Any future changes wiII be communicated upon your next pIatform visit.
If you require this Cookie PoIicy in an aIternative format, pIease contact us.